Monday, December 12, 2016

Kpop Star 5 - Top 10 Performances

[Kpop Star 5 Ep 15 & 16]

They made some visual transformation.

They were judged by 100 viewers as they perform with live band.

The 10 contestants were divided into 2 groups randomly and
will be rank in each group.
The 4th and 5th place in each group will be the elimination candidates.

The 100 viewers will vote for the contestants they are rooting for.

[Kpop Star 5 Ep 16]

Group A

Woo Ye Rin (1st place)

'Gloomy Letters' by Yoo Jae Ha

 "You truly exceeded our expectations"
- JYP -

Lee Soo Jung (2nd place)

'As Time Goes By' by Yoon Mi Rae

"I always like her. But today, that surprising fresh element disappeared"
- YG -

Jung Jin Woo (3rd place)

'To You' by Seo Tai Ji and Boys

"You have a great sense in producing a song but the way 
you sang strained your throat too much"
- JYP -

~Sophie Han and Yoo Jei were candidates for elimination~

Yoo Jei (Saved)

'Confession' by Lim Jae Bum

#Unfortunately for Jei, she's not feeling well. Her throat hurts so much.

"I saw for the first time, she strained her neck when she tried to hit the high notes"

Sophie Han (Eliminated)

'Crazy' by Son Dam Bi

"I see a lot of potentials in you"
- YHY -

[Kpop Star 5 Ep 15]

Group B

Ahn Ye Eun (1st place)

'Mr Mystery' by herself
A song about being curious of your neighbor as you gather evidences

"I felt like I just watch a 2 hour and a half of suspense movie"

Park Min Ji (2nd place)

'Across the Universe' by Baek Ye Rin

"It was a sweet and melting performance"

Mazinger S (3rd place)

'Her' by Block B

"I knew what's coming but I'm still impressed"

~Mi Yeon and Lee Si Eun were candidates for elimination~

Lee Si Eun (Saved)

'Laundry' by Lee Juck
A song that expresses an effort to forget about a breakup through distractions

"Now I remember who Lee Si Eun is"

Joo Mi Yeon (Eliminated)

'No' by Gummy

"I don't see your uniqueness today"

The funny part was when YG said Min Ji is like a snake which changed its skin,
when it could be a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly.
Snake still become a snake anyway~

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