Sunday, February 28, 2016

Jung Jin Woo (Kpop Star 5)

Jung Jin Woo (JJW) first audition for Kpop Star season 3, which is in 2013. He was 17 years old that time. His first TV appearance was during ranking audition (Episode 6). Before ranking audition, JYP trained and suggested to him to sing Park Jae Ha's 'Because I Love You'.

#That was the first season Yoo Hee Yeol (YHY) became the judge and Bernard Park, Sam Kim and Kwon Jin Ah were in it.

Pre-screening training with JYP

That song is a classic and there are too many renditions already. JJW was worried on how to sing the song well and also since he is not familiar with the song. I mean.. the song was released 10 years before he existed.. I bet he never heard of the song before. So, for practice, what he did was just repeatedly listening to the song to familiarize himself with the song and did little of singing practice.

18 years old, Korean age

After his performance, the judges were full of compliments. YHY said it was a worthy rendition while YG said he could become better than Sung Shi Kyung, who is the King of Ballad in South Korea. YG further praised him for his R&B sentiments although he was singing a ballad song. Honestly, the performance was really good~ Check it out on the link above.

Then, during Showcase, JJW sang a duet with Nam Young Joo (23). They chose to sing 'Now' by Troublemaker. It was supposed to be a dance song but they arranged it into ballad. Young Joo asked JJW to show sexy + sad feeling when singing the song but I do not thing he did it that well. =P

"Me?! Sexy?!!" - JJW

JYP said it was like watching a musical and enjoyed it more since they were singing as if they were having a conversation. YG did not enjoy it much since he thinks the song was not a good choice for JJW but it is for Young Joo. I did not enjoy their performance either. I thought what he did before was just a one-hit wonder.

For the next round, Team Battle, JJW sang solo. JJW only appeared for a few minutes in episode 11. Unfortunately for him, he was eliminated because according to the judges, his singing style was boring.  

Battle audition

After 2 years, he auditioned again for Kpop Star season 5. When he walked up the stage, the judges recognized him.

"Jung Jin Woo?!"

YHY even remembered that he had vocal cord nodules in the middle of the season. Probably that explained his poor performance that lead to his elimination.. But he said he did not feel regretful, he just thought it was a good opportunity to re-evaluate himself. As time goes by, he realized he has put a limit to himself, so he pondered on what can he do to overcome it. He decided to write his own song so that he can interpret the song better.

#Wow~ Such a positive attitude! I think that was the most important thing to have; positive mindset.

He wrote the song 'Satellite' on 14th of November, 2014. Singing his own song during the audition felt like his two-years of efforts were being judged. Satellite is a song about him hovering around his ex-girlfriend, similar like a satellite.

19-years-old Jung Jin Woo

[Audition performance]

[Translated lyric of 'Satellite']

The judges and all the panelists were in awe throughout the whole song. JYP said he got a goose-bump and all three of them gave him a pass before he ends his song. Honestly I was surprised by his first note because I thought he missed it. It did not sound right but I could be wrong. Overall, I did enjoy his song. It was amazing!

After the audition and hearing all the positive feedbacks, he started to worry about the next song that he would be singing. He was under a lot of pressure. For ranking audition, he just played piano rather than instrumental. He said he just hope that he did not get eliminated.

He sang 'Haa...' written by himself.

[Translated lyrics of 'Haa...']

However, his performance for ranking audition was not praiseworthy. It was another song written by him but this time it has a different vibe than 'Satellite'. I have to agree with the judges. The song was boring but the only part that was nice was the chorus part. Luckily for him, he could proceed to the next round.

He paired up with Lee Soo Jung for Team Mission. They performed 'Almost Is Never Enough' by Arianna Grande. They choose the song since it is a song that they both have in their playlist. Plus, it would be the first time the song is sang as a duet. It was such a breath-taking duet! All the judges were speechless after their performance. JYP even teared up..

I love this screencap~ ♥

JJW didn't even mind her playfully pat him on the head~ ♥

Their chemistry did not stop there.. For Team Battle, they choose to sing 'Sometimes' by Crush. Since they really wanted to immerse themselves into the song, they pretended to be like a couple during practice. They hang out a lot and take pictures as a collection.

JJW manner hand! Kyaaaa!!!

The last day of practice, they burned all the polaroid pictures that they had taken. The song they were about to sing is about how this couple misses each other more after a break-up. So, they did not contact each other after the last practice and only meet again on D-day. Their performance is cringe-worthy.. Hahaha.. In a good way.. They won the battle against 'Popcorn'. Oh.. BTW, they named their group as 'Jung loves Jung'.

For casting audition, he went solo while Soo Jung was paired up with Yoo Jei. He sang another self-written song titled 'I Was Well-Off' It is about a guy who is well-off but was rejected by the girl he likes. This time the reaction from the judges were good.

[Translated lyrics of 'I'm Well-Off']

All the three judges wanted to cast him but since YG and YHY used the casting card, he was given the privilege to choose and he picked Antenna. I think the reason he choose Antenna is because he needs someone good with song-writing and YHY is the one!

# Yeay! That means he can reunite with Sam Kim and Kwon Jin Ah then!

Lee Jin Ah came to visit him during practice and advice him on his song. So nice of her!

He prepared another self-written song, 'It Will Be Okay'. It is about how he is telling his ex-girlfriend to accept the break-up since both of them are different and at the same time comfort her that the pain will go away as time goes by. 

[Translated lyrics of 'It Will Be Okay']

However, he had to do a re-match because Mazinger S won the battle. The judges acknowledged his talent as a songwriter but wished that he could make the story more concise. Also, he tends to strain his voice so he was advice to stop doing that to take care of his throat.

For re-match, he sang 'Stop Right Here' by Yoo Sung Eun. Again, his performance disappointed the judges. He was singing it too casually when he could have at least rearrange the music. YG felt that he lose his competitiveness here. Still, he made it to the TOP 10 list! 

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