Friday, January 17, 2014

Kpop Star 3: 1020 - Something

For Round 4, the group Something has to compete against All Chae. Well, they both come from a different genre. I just think the judges shouldn't be so bias towards All Chae as I don't see they are good in singing. But then again, All Chae win against Something.

During the elimination period, Jung Sae Woon was being so honest. He admitted that Ah Hyun noona contributed more for the song. It was her idea in terms of the concept and the style of the song. Ah Hyun felt sorry and tried to cover up that they equally worked on the song. (Ah~ My sweet 'Something'~)

For now, I know Jung Sae Woon was eliminated. The judges had no choice since that's the rule. At least one person has to go from the eliminated group. Let's just hope he'll come back after competing against all the other eliminated contestants.

[UPDATE] Jung Sae Woon is back! Yoo Hee Yeol used his wild-card!

1020 - Something

Sunday to Saturday
I have no concept on days
I burn my youth way at study halls at night
It's funny
How the clock is round

24 hours a day
I have no concept on time
I'm told I need a license
For my unknown future
It's funny
How the clock is round

It's the same
That's how it is
Even if I live life to the fullest
I can't have a good night sleep
We can't go back or forward
The hands of the clock, silently

I want to stay at the internet cafe past 10 pm
I would like to wear a school uniform again
I want to buy 15 lottery tickets
When did I have a student bus card

Even if I live life to the fullest
I can't have a good night sleep
We can't go back or forward
The hands of the clock, silently
The hands of the clock, that always..
Tomorrow comes, but again..

Download mp3: 1020 - Something


  1. Wait, do the eliminated contestants compete against each other to see who gets to have a second chance? Is that true? Because I was truly heartbroken when Jung Sae-woon was eliminated. (;_;)

    1. I was heartbroken as well.. But let's just see how it turns out tomorrow.. I think I saw in the preview, they called back all the eliminated contestants..

  2. fighting Sae Woon and Ah Hyun!!!! i love The Something!
