Tuesday, August 6, 2013

[Review] Who Are You

The drama is a story about Inspector Yang Shi On (So Yi Hyun), who was in coma for 6 years and gained the ability to see the dead. She can't remember what happened to her 6 years before. I am not sure how far does she remember. That's the frustrating part. At least she remember her name and house. But she can't remember her own boyfriend.

Inspector Lee Hyung Joon (Kim Jae Wook) was Shi On's partner (and boyfriend). He was seen in the first episode when they where actually on a mission. He was shot dead by one of the bad guys. Shi On saw what happened but can't help out as she was chased by the bad guys. Two important points here: Shi On didn't see the face of the bad guys and her boyfriend was shot within a close distance. I don't understand why Hyung Joon didn't shoot the bad guy first. He has this surprised look on his face before he was shot. Why is that?

Cha Gun Woo (Taecyeon) is Shi On's present partner. They both work at Lost & Found Center. Gun Woo is sometimes mean, sometimes nice to Shi On. Everyone seems to know about what happened to Shi On (being in coma for 6 years). He keeps calling her 'crazy woman'. He has the ambition to go back(?) to the Special Force Unit. He is also forbidden from having a gun. Another mystery to be unfold I guess..

So... After having woken up from coma, Shi On was being interrogated by police officer about the incident that happened 6 years ago. Seriously she can't recalled a thing. When Hyung Joon's picture was shown to her, she said she can't recognize him at all. Not the slightest.. (T_T) U-ri oppa~

First case:
Shi On went for counseling and therapy since she lost her memory. She spent 3 months trying to meet people that she previously known but nothing 'ring the bell'. When she was walking inside the storeroom of the Lost & Found Center, she saw a tracksuit with a name tag 'Dan Oh Reum'. A ghost schoolgirl appeared and keep bothering her since then. She can't seems to avoid her so she decided to ask her classmates and family how she died. The record says she killed herself because she was dumped by her boyfriend. When ask the boyfriend (Kyung Min), he denied that he even in a relationship with the MUTE girl.. After that, he tried to kill himself. What?! Why? Luckily Gun Woo manage to stop him. Shi-On went to her psychiatrist to ask about disabled teenager mental state. Kyung Min finally start to tell GunWoo that he suggested to Oh Reum to seek help from a psychiatrist since she was not confident to be in a relationship with a non-disabled person. Only the psychiatrist ended up molesting her and killed her. Kyung Min saw it but couldn't say a word since the psycho psychiatrist is his own uncle. And guess what.. the psychiatrist is now with Shi On! GunWoo send a text to Shi On and tell her about the identity of the killer. Aaahhh... Too late already because Shi On is going to be his next victim. But our hero GunWoo came to the rescue! After what happened, GunWoo keeps bugging Shi On, asking how she knew it was a suicide case. Shi On keeps her lips zipped. She just said she was lucky. Huhu.. Even if she tells, would he believe? He already sees her as a crazy woman. Why worsen the situation, right?  

Second case:
A briefcase was claimed from the Lost & Found Center. A female ghost started to appear around Shi-On and the atmosphere always become very cold. Shi-On followed the ghost into the forest at night and found a hand was buried there earlier. Then, another separate news reported that a leg was found in a construction area. Prosecutor for this case was a bit fishy. Inspector Choi (GunWoo's sunbae) said that the prosecutor was a nice person until his fiancee called the wedding off. Shi-On found out later on that the ghost was the Prosecutor's fiancee. She suspected him for the killing. (I mean, I would too..) The ghost appeared again in the elevator but this time the atmosphere became very hot. Shi-On ask where is her remaining body now? So the ghost brought her to a cremation center. Shi-On caught the bad guy and he was being questioned later by the Prosecutor. Turns out, the Prosecutor's fiancee has a bad asthma problem. His mother was not keen to have her as a daughter-in-law. When his fiancee had an asthma attack, his mother didn't pass her the inhaler and let her die. She even hired people to get rid of the body. She send a text message to his son (using the fiancee's phone) telling him that the wedding is off and stop finding her (the fiancee). Evil mother-in-law! As for GunWoo, he was so frustrated because he's always a step behind. He wonders how Shi-On figured everything out.

Ok, let's get back to the main case. How Shi-On's boyfriend got killed. I'm more interested in that case now since her ghost boyfriend is starting to make an appearance (since the end of ep 3). Let's just called him 'Hyung Joon'. Hyung Joon is a bit different that the other ghost because he didn't always wander around Shi-On all the time. I think it is because he was an inspector before so he still act like one, even as a ghost. Shi-On seems to recognize him from somewhere but she can't recalled. At the end of episode 6, Hyung Joon helped her a bit by giving her some hint. The photo the police officer showed her when they interrogated her! Now she remembers! She even remember that she saw Hyung Joon was being shot.

There's something really fishy about Inspector Choi. He showed some weird expression starting from when Shi-On was being interrogated actually. As if he knows something  or trying to hide something. I would bet that he's under all those silver smuggling activities on the night Hyung Joon had been killed.

I think I can predict where this story is heading to. Just imagine when you can't remember your own boyfriend. But you see him as a ghost. After the case settled, then your memory will come back, only to realize that you was madly in love with this ghost before. He's a ghost now! He's dead! You won't see him again. You have to let him go and move on with your life. Ah~~ How heart-breaking that can be.. I wish I can see more of Hyung Joon (a.k.a Kim Jae Wook)  

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