Saturday, June 27, 2015

[Review] High Society (The Privileged) - Ep 1-4

#Monologue: I hate it when a drama has two names. Some still calls it 'High Society' while some use the official one, 'The Privileged'. It's making the search a bit troublesome..

Characters introduction..
Jang Yoon Ha (UEE) worked as a part-timer in a supermarket despite having a rich-family background. She's the maknae of the Taejin Group family. Seems like she's invisible and disliked by her family. At first I thought she's the daughter of his father's mistress.. But turns out she was being unfairly treated because of a fortune teller. (This reminds me of Harry Potter~ ^_^) The fortune teller said the youngest daughter need to be control properly. Hmm.. I dunno for what reason her mom is seeking the fortune teller in the first place.
Yoo Chang Soo (Park Hyung Sik) is another chaebol in this drama. I can see some sibling rivalry between him and his older brother. He is in charge of Yoo Min Food Market, which is where Yoon Ha is working at. His character is like a normal arrogant chaebol but there's a refreshing side of him.
Choi Joon Ki (Sung Joon) is Chang Soo's sidekick, I would say. He came from a poor and humble family. He is more like a bad guy to me because he believes he can only be happy if he's rich. But he broke up with his chaebol girlfriend when she insulted his parents. I wonder if that really was the reason.. Also, I think he has a hidden agenda as he becomes friend with Chang Soo. His father is disable, so he can't go to work while his mom is working as a housemaid at Yoon Ha's father's mistress (they refer to her as 'Hannamdong', an area in Seoul).
Lee Ji Yi (Im Ji Yeon) is a good friend of Yoon Ha who works at the supermarket too. She is poor but she has an optimistic attitude that makes her so lovable. To Yoon Ha, Ji Yi is like a 'vitamin' that cheers her up when she's having a hard time at home. She also the kind that can be 'weirdly' honest.

Episode 1

The fact that a rich girl like Yoon Ha is working at a supermarket and become close with an average girl are quite interesting. I am more disturbed by the way she was treated by her family. Why is she being treated so unfairly? That sister of her really gets on my nerve! She even got scolded by her Mom and not her sister?! Waahhh.. That's so great of you Mom.

Then Chang Soo came into picture with his sibling rivalry. The way I look at it, he's just using Joon Ki to do his petty work. Pffftt.. Useless chaebol.. And he planned to marry Taejin Group's daughter just to get on his brother?! Ha-Ha.. What a plan~ So, when Chang Soo and Yoon Ha met on the blind date, Chang Soo felt so offended that Yoon Ha is pulling a show to get herself dumped. They agreed to not continue with marriage arrangement but in return, he poured water on her head. That was harsh.. Then, we could see Joon Ki was probably 'attracted' to Yoon Ha? Or is it because he recognized her as Taejin Group's daughter? I have no idea which one.. His stare was a bit puzzling to me.

Joon Ki doesn't seem to be 100% comfortable around Chang Soo.. They are more like 'friend with benefits'. Hmm.. I don't like what I see. Chang Soo said he doesn't like to be a pushover but I think he is.. Joon Ki has to please him all the time which made me wonder what is his real intention. Of course Chang Soo would like to have someone like that around him.

Episode 2

I am looking forward for this episode because Joon Ki and Yoon Ha finally met each other. I like it when Yoon Ha confronted Joon Ki because the look on his face. Even I don't understand that look.. Is he looking down on Yoon Ha?

The relationship between Joon Ki and his Mom is cute but at the same time I wonder, if he is being all that great, why is his parents are struggling? His Mom still insist on being poor is it? He was offended when his ex-girlfriend look down on his background, but judging from where he is working, can't he support his parents? I don't understand their relationship much..

Omo.. Yoon Ha did a DNA test before? Honestly, I would do the same. I pity her so much. How could her Mom treated her like that? A biological Mom some more. I think she has a strong personality not because the fortune teller was right, but because the way she was brought up and her Mom stupid paranoia. Ji Yi and Yoon Ha interactions are fun to listen to. Both have a strong opinion about life. Ji Yi is not the type to be day-dreaming about meeting her 'Prince Charming' while Yoon Ha don't like to be judge by her family background.

The best part about this episode is the interaction between Ji Yi and Chang Soo. How can you not love their adorable quarrels? I just find it amusing.. They kept getting on each other nerves. Especially when Chang Soo first met with Ji Yi and started to ask her questions. She was nervous in the first place and why do you have to be there? Then when he finally revealed to her that he is the Director of the supermarket, that was definitely awkward. Hahaha.. I think Chang Soo just love to tease Ji Yi around. The smile on his face when Ji Yi made some random comments just makes me squealed. I am in love with these two characters. At least they provided some laughter to the audience.

Episode 3

The last scenes from previous episode made me so anxious for this episode. So, Ji Yi was drunk and she even accidentally ripped up Chang Soo clothes. The thing is.. does that make sense? How strong was her grip and how fragile was the shirt? But I'll look pass that since we get to see Hyung Sik's abs. =P I would say, my focus on this drama has shifted to ChangSoo and JiYi!

On previous episode, Yoon Ha was fired from her job but her brother was helping her out. As usual from these chaebol.. They have to play dirty. Yoon Ha felt bad about it so she asked her brother to not take it to that extent. I'm glad she still has some conscience. But didn't that blow her cover? Joon Ki sense something is not right.. But what with the 'I don't usually tell my personal stories to stranger'? Was that intentional? And Yoon Ha fell for that? Yet, I understand now why Joon Ki can put up with Chang Soo. Because he felt that having a job is a privilege till he doesn't mind being insulted. That night, they were having a company dinner. Joon Ki was being such a gentleman as he poured water into Yoon Ha shot glass and passing a new plate of side dish. Yoon Ha fell for him again~ I don't think that would be a strong reason for you to start liking a guy.. Just my opinion..

Let's go back to Chang Soo and Ji Yi.. So, Ji Yi tried to avoid meeting Chang Soo because she's afraid that he would ask for compensation for his shirt. However, I am starting to sense that Chang Soo started to like Ji Yi when he said 'Is money the only thing in your head? Ah~ Am I losing it? Or am I just meeting strange people?'. He definitely expect Ji Yi to start liking him too. But why would she be? Hahaha.. In her eyes, he's just an annoying chaebol who is also good looking. Ops.. Why did she said it out loud? She's really playing the push-and-pull game. I think that really made Chang Soo flattered to the point that he doesn't care about the 'Gae-series'. I like that she's being firm that she don't want to have anything to do with him. Yet, Chang Soo went to her house that night, after the company dinner. They have some random conversations. Ji Yi suddenly talked about how she loves her country, then saying that she can only lives there. I'm like.. your point is? Again, she was trying to stop Chang Soo from approaching her because she knew how the ending will be like. But I can't stand it when she said 'You can like me but don't tell me. I'm afraid I might fall for you'. *face palm* Yaaahhh! Why do you have to say it out loud? Now Chang Soo can see some light of hope to steal your heart. You should just dump him harshly! Just in one blow! Again with the push-and-pull game. That's why this couple is just so adorable actually~ ^_^ Hihihi..

The last scene! Ah~ So, Joon Ki was aware of Yoon Ha's family background.. Is that why he's trying to make her fall for him? I don't like you already Joon Ki.. Mysterious guy are too complicated!

Episode 4

Chang Soo asked Joon Ki to promote Ji Yi as a permanent worker but Joon Ki knew that Ji Yi might feel offended by it. So he asked Ji Yi first whether she wants to accept the promotion. Ji Yi decided to meet Chang Soo personally. Their argument ended up with Ji Yi revealing her feelings.

Ji Yi            : The help that you would give to anyone, give it when you're ugly, old and ill.
Chang Soo  : Why?
Ji Yi            : Because it makes my heart flutters..

Kyaaaa~ As always our Lee Ji Yi-shi.. 

Yoon Ha was trying to get Joon Ki attention so she gave him a lunchbox. She wanted to confess her feeling for him. (Already?? Isn't it too early to say you like someone?) She was initially rejected but Joon Ki proposed to her instead. He said the guy should have the privilege to ask the girl out first. (Err.. My heart is not fluttering knowing you guys just starts to get to know each other. It's too early!)

As for Chang Soo, he took the initiative to put a lamp on the street near Ji Yi's house. Ji Yi surprisingly became angry at Chang Soo and even threaten to throw a stone at him. All this because she felt touched at his thoughtfulness and didn't want to end up liking him.

Yoon Ha's brother passed away because of a plane crash. Yoon Ha didn't contact Joon Ki because she's afraid all the people she loves would somehow leave her. (She started to love Joon Ki that much already? Aigoo.. I can't relate to her)

Chang Soo's mom tried to convince Chang Soo to be in a good relationship with Yoon Ha and maybe started to date her. Chang Soo seems to not want to do it but still called her in the end. Joon Ki 'found out' from Chang Soo that Yoon Ha is Taejin Group youngest daughter.

Yoon Ha decided to put an end to her relationship with Joon Ki because she's afraid to lose another loved ones. But Joon Ki comforted her that he'll take care of himself and she don't have to worry about it.

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