Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kpop Star 3: Chameleon by Something

During TOP 8 performance, the duo group Something performed their own song. They were under a lot of pressure as other contestants can performed other singer's song while they have to come up with their own song within such a short time. I truly pity them. The burden to do much better this time, as they had almost been eliminated before, is just soooooo... BURDENSOME. They had been pointed out before by the judges that they need to find their own 'colors'. So, they decided to wrote a song about 'Chameleon'.

Download link: Chameleon - Something

We don't know anything
What should I be when I grow up
All I need is Mom and Dad
That's all I need

Under 'My dream' in my elementary school yearbook
My dream was to be the president
That dark 13-years-old boy was like the color of the sky
But became an adult in the gray world
My dream is to be a civil servant
My dream is to be an office worker
I'm gradually losing my color
I like green color but the world is gray
I hide myself again today
I'm a chameleon

I hide my longtime dream
Kept it a secret
I want to shout it out
I'm going to stop crying
Tonight is black
I sing in the darkness

After I wake up from that long dream
I won't see you again in the morning
The starlight clears, the sun shines
Should I go to sleep by singing?

Although I became an adult in this gray world
My dream here
I sing of my dream
I want to find my color green.. gray..
I hide myself again today
I adjust my color to reality
And I hide myself
I live today, even tomorrow
And maybe even the day after
I'm a chameleon

The commentaries were very discouraging. Again, they were pointed out by JYP that the song was boring. It was so frustrating to not show any improvement even when they did tried their best. I think they really played guitar well and the melody of the songs are addictive. It's just they need to learn how to compose a song properly. It's not easy.. They are still young and I think they will do better if they are being well-guided. In terms of fan base, I think they have a lot of people all around the world that are rooting for them. Jung Sae Woon & Kim Ah-Hyun fighting!!! Himnae-seyo!!!

Unfortunately, this was the last performance from them. Thank you all for supporting them and dropping by my blog!


  1. i really like something in this season of kpopstar. i don't understand korean at all so your blog help me a lot to understand thier music. As i read many comments in youtube they said thay the judges always think that their lyrics is not good enouh to catch people heart so i always doubt yhat the lyrics was that baddd but after i read your blog i think the judges were totally wrong ! Their songs is totally cute in both melody for someone who don't understand korean like me and lyrics is also good (esp. excuse me song)
    I agree with you something still a rookie for songwriting so they can improve in the future. I hope they will continue their career together because the chemistry berween theses two is very coool for me

    thank again for the engliah translation

    1. I really appreciate your comment. Glad that my blog is helping you out.. ^_^ I can't understand Korean too so I get the lyrics from subbed episodes..
